The benefits of a construction answering service

Peyton Duplechien • 27 Jan 2020 • 4 min read

If you’re in the construction business or a building contractor then you almost certainly know how crucial it is to pick up any call that comes your way – after all, if you don’t pick up the phone, how will you get more business?

Whether it’s vendors, clients, subcontractors, or suppliers, it’s safe to say that the phone of any construction company is constantly ringing off the hook. And that’s on top of juggling everything involved with running your business and your current construction sites.

As a result, it just sometimes isn’t always possible to answer every single call. But rather than accepting these missed calls as potentially lost business, you can instead minimize the chance of any calls being missed altogether by investing in a live answering service for construction companies.

Keep reading to learn more about what a construction answering service is and how it can help your business.

What is a construction answering service

Like any form of live answering service for different industries, an answering service for construction companies provides you with a dedicated team of virtual receptionists who are on hand for 24/7 call answering, whenever your customers need them.

With an answering service for construction businesses at your side, all of your calls will be handled in a calm and professional manner, while also providing you with plenty of other benefits that can help your construction business grow and thrive in a saturated market.

What are the benefits of an answering service for construction companies?

Given that an answering service for construction businesses is all about preventing any calls from being missed, you can probably guess that there are several benefits that come along with this.

Below are just some of the main reasons you might want to use one, including some essential live answering features to keep an eye out for:

1. Capture more leads

As we’ve mentioned several times already, one of the main reasons to hire a live answering service is to ensure that every single call that comes in is answered, which in turn means you’ll have the opportunity to capture every lead possible that comes your way.

And this goes for more than just customer enquiries. A construction answering service will also make sure that any supplier or vendor calls directed to you get through, ensuring that such vital relationships remain positive.

2. After hours calls

Given the busy nature of the modern day, there’s a good chance that certain potential customers won’t be able to call your business during normal hours and may instead have to ring later in the evening or on a weekend.

In some cases, this could lead to their message getting lost. However, with a construction answering service able to take calls outside of standard operating hours, you’ll be able to take down customer details straightaway and have them available to call them back first thing the next day or whenever suits them best

3. Call routing

If you run a particularly small construction company, then you may be taking calls directly to your phone. Naturally, this has the potential to be distracting when working on a construction site, and you may not even register calls coming in.

But if you decide to invest in a construction answering service, you can redirect any incoming calls to your virtual receptionists after a set number of rings. This will make sure that customers will still get through to your business, even if you yourself are busy.

4. Quick booking

One of the key tasks of a live answering service for construction companies is to interact and communicate with customers directly, and this makes them perfectly suited to handling potential client bookings and arranging project dates.

By providing your answering team with the right information that customers might want to know, and a script to follow to make booking quicker, you can continue your main work for the day without worrying about new customers not getting booked in.

5. It makes you more professional

While those in the construction industry aren’t dressed in suits every day, that in no way means they lack professionalism. If anything, professionalism is something customers look out for in the trades so that they know you’re capable of doing the work properly.

And, of course, one sign of a professional business is having responsive and useful customer support, which is exactly what you get with a construction answering service, giving you someone on hand to take customer enquiries so you can focus on delivering excellent work and building your company’s reputation.

Should construction companies use auto-attendants

Although auto-attendants are often cheaper to use than a live answering service, when it comes to using an auto-attendant vs live answering, we would not recommend using the former if your main goal is to capture more leads over the phone.

This is because an auto-attendant offers little in the way of direct customer service and can’t handle the direct nature of taking customer requests and booking them into your diary. Essentially, an auto-attendant is a glorified voicemail or answering machine that lacks the desired human touch that customers want when they call in.

The call answering service that does it all

And there you have it, those are the main reasons why you might want to invest in a construction answering service for your business. Naturally, there are many other benefits to using such a service than the ones we’ve mentioned above, but if they’ve caught your interest, then why not reach out to VoiceNation today?

Based across the US, our team of professionally trained virtual receptionists are more than capable of handling your customer calls with the empathy and competency your customers expect.

Get in touch to learn more about our services directly and to inquire about our different pricing options. We even offer a free trial period for those interested in trying our services out before joining us.