Irony and the Ice Storm! A disaster recovery hotline from VoiceNation saves the day at Time Warner Cable.

Peyton Duplechien • 16 May 2019 • 2 min read

Time Warner Cable is a leader in their industry, being one of the first cable operators in the U.S. to provide unparalleled data, video and cable services and are also the second largest corporation in their industry with over two hundred facilities nationwide. Their San Antonio location alone employs approximately two thousand people.

After recent natural disasters, like Hurricane Katrina, flash flooding common to Texas, and tornadoes, San Antonio’s management team wanted to prepare themselves and their employees for any impending threats to their business. Due to VoiceNation’s reputation and experience with disaster recovery, Time Warner contacted them to set up a disaster recovery hotline. “They needed a sophisticated yet user friendly voice mail system that could be updated when the occasion called for it”, stated Eric Schurke, Operations Manager for VoiceNation.

Time Warner and VoiceNation teamed up to implement a customized NextPBX and Live Answering based disaster recovery solution specifically for the San Antonio facility.

The NextPBX disaster recovery hotline provides Time Warner’s employees with a fast and effective means of communication. “Ease of use is unmatched due to the user friendly setup, no added costs for equipment, unlimited voice mail and fax, and versatile presence management. Customers are in full control of their communication status, allowing calls to go where they need it, when they need it”, said Jay Reeder, President of VoiceNation.

When Time Warner’s hotline is called, employees are prompted for their department extension number and are reverted to a greeting providing the disaster recovery plan specifically for them. Extensions can be configured to forward calls directly to a land line, cell or can simply revert callers to voice mail where they may leave a message. At anytime the caller may press ‘0’ to connect to a live answering service who will be ready to supply instructions and take messages. Messages and faxes are then sent to e-mail for convenience and quick response.

Two weeks after Time Warner’s hotline was ordered, a freak ice storm hit Texas. It iced the roads and power lines making travel to work pointless and dangerous. Time Warner had the opportunity to put their hot line to the test. The greetings gave employees instructions to stay home and report again the following day for further instructions. They also avoided the two thousand calls that would have flooded the phones if there had been no VoiceNation Disaster Recovery hotline.

After the ice had melted away, Time Warner instructed their employees to face the workday and brave the now damp roads. Communication was accomplished within a matter of minutes, by simply changing the greetings.

In a world where little is predictable and changes are to be expected, preparation tends to be your only defense and VoiceNation’s customized services provide a simple solution. Over the years, VoiceNation has provided disaster recovery services for companies like FEMA, PBS&J, Lay-Z-Boy, Claire’s Stores, Inc. and Blue Cross Blue Shield.

About VoiceNation

VoiceNation, America’s leader in virtual PBX and voicemail was founded in 2002 by President Jay Reeder and opened their Next Generation call centers in 2009. The company has grown to serve more than 40,000 customers including FEMA, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Dell, AIG and the U.S. Coast Guard. They leverage the very latest in proprietary technology solutions in order to deliver quality call answering services at the lowest cost to their customers.

Learn more about VoiceNation’s plans & pricing.

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