Peyton Duplechien

Latest Posts

June 19, 2020

In the age of chatbot takeover, VoiceNation is the support customers can count on

Today’s consumers are incredibly savvy, thanks to technology. Many people turn to a search engine to fix issues they may be having with a product or service. And companies have jumped on the consumer can-do attitude – while simultaneously providing instant, 24/7 customer support – by adding live chat to their websites. While the chatbot… Continue reading In the age of chatbot takeover, VoiceNation is the support customers can count on

June 17, 2020

Why the power of human touch isn’t lost in the digital transformation

We are living in a world of digital transformation. Nearly everything that you need can be found online, from groceries to entertainment and more. Most, if not all, businesses are adopting digital practices as part of the transformation, simply to keep up with consumer drive for real-time transactions and solutions, fueled by technological advances. What… Continue reading Why the power of human touch isn’t lost in the digital transformation

June 10, 2020

Top 5 benefits of using a professional answering service

In our always-connected world, consumers expect that businesses are available every hour of the day for customer service assistance.  But it can be difficult to ensure you always are able to answer their questions without having some to answer the phone day and night. That’s where a professional answering service can work for you. Let’s look at the ways hiring… Continue reading Top 5 benefits of using a professional answering service

June 05, 2020

In an age of bots, here’s why your customers still value personal experience

When it comes to customer support and experience, more and more studies are showing that there are more cons to chatbots than pros. While consumers tend to turn to chatbots to lodge a complaint or get a quick answer, when it comes to major decision making or problem solving, consumers would rather speak to a… Continue reading In an age of bots, here’s why your customers still value personal experience