Peyton Duplechien

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May 07, 2012

VPN Info on the World Wide Web

Businesses and individuals are increasingly concerned with privacy when surfing the Internet. Companies in particular must take measures to ensure their work-related documents are kept private when sending them over the Web. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a low-cost, reliable way to provide companies and individuals security for their electronic communications. A VPN uses… Continue reading VPN Info on the World Wide Web

November 07, 2010

SPAM Diet and Other E-mail FAQs

The SPAM Diet and Other E-mail FAQs How many times have we checked our e-mail inbox and found messages that we didn’t expect and didn’t want?   You know the ones I mean, the e-mails with subjects of low cost pharmaceuticals, weight loss pills and a host of others.   Those messages are SPAM messages.… Continue reading SPAM Diet and Other E-mail FAQs

September 19, 2010

Language Resources

A phoneme is the smallest piece of sound heard by the human ear. For example, in the word cat, the emphasis on the “C” is heard by the ear before anything else and sounds the most important. The “ch” sound identified is sometimes confusing for young readers and writers because they associate it with the… Continue reading Language Resources

News and Web read over the phone

Cell phone manufacturers are required under law to make cell phones accessible for all, including those with disabilities. Those affected by vision impairment or blindness often have a difficult time finding cell phones. They need phones that are accessible to them and that can read the news and the Web to them. Visually impaired individuals… Continue reading News and Web read over the phone

September 20, 2009

Theology Resources

The study of theology has been practiced for centuries. Theology is the science of religion and the study of God. While theology can mean the study of any god or religion, it is most commonly associated with Judeo-Christian practices and faith. The science of theology dates back to ancient Greece when early philosophers studied the… Continue reading Theology Resources

September 07, 2009

Answering Your Questions About Answering Students’ Questions

Answering Your Questions About Answering Students’ Questions To watch a teacher answer students’ questions, one might think the teacher was somehow born with the ability to do so. Answering questions from students is, however, an acquired skill. Here are some answers to frequently asked questions many new teachers have regarding how to properly and effectively answer students’ questions.… Continue reading Answering Your Questions About Answering Students’ Questions

September 04, 2009

All About Philately

Philately, or the study of stamps, is a hobby shared by millions around the world. The study of stamps often includes stamp collecting, however, many people study stamps without collecting them. Philatélie was the name given to this practice in 1864 by Georges Herpin. Derived from the original Greek root phil, which means an affinity… Continue reading All About Philately

September 01, 2009

Finding Voice: A Resource Guide To Stuttering

Many are aware of the speech disorder called stuttering. Stuttering, very generally speaking, consists of stressing certain syllables or words longer than normal, repeating certain syllables or words longer than normal, or longer than normal hesitation before pronouncing certain syllables or words. Around five percent of children stutter at some point in childhood as they learn how… Continue reading Finding Voice: A Resource Guide To Stuttering