Category: Resources for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs

September 07, 2017

What Is VoIP calling?

It goes without saying that the internet has become well and truly integrated into our everyday lives. Most people won’t go a day without logging onto their computers or phones to get online, and as if people weren’t spending enough time there already, there’s now even a way to use the internet to talk over… Continue reading What Is VoIP calling?

April 07, 2013

Guide to Local Area Networks

What is a LAN? A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network of computers that covers only a small area, like a home, office, or building. Larger networks fall into the categories of Metropolitan Area Networks or Large Area Networks. Any user who has more than one computer in a home or office can benefit… Continue reading Guide to Local Area Networks

September 07, 2012

Exploring Virtual Reality

Exploring Virtual Reality Virtual reality is the creation of an alternate, simulated world that allows people to experience the same emotions, sights, sounds, and sometimes tactile sensations as real life. The idea of simulating reality has been around for more than 70 years, predating computers. For example, military troops have for decades used simulation to fabricate and… Continue reading Exploring Virtual Reality

May 07, 2012

VPN Info on the World Wide Web

Businesses and individuals are increasingly concerned with privacy when surfing the Internet. Companies in particular must take measures to ensure their work-related documents are kept private when sending them over the Web. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a low-cost, reliable way to provide companies and individuals security for their electronic communications. A VPN uses… Continue reading VPN Info on the World Wide Web

November 07, 2010

SPAM Diet and Other E-mail FAQs

The SPAM Diet and Other E-mail FAQs How many times have we checked our e-mail inbox and found messages that we didn’t expect and didn’t want?   You know the ones I mean, the e-mails with subjects of low cost pharmaceuticals, weight loss pills and a host of others.   Those messages are SPAM messages.… Continue reading SPAM Diet and Other E-mail FAQs

September 19, 2010

Language Resources

A phoneme is the smallest piece of sound heard by the human ear. For example, in the word cat, the emphasis on the “C” is heard by the ear before anything else and sounds the most important. The “ch” sound identified is sometimes confusing for young readers and writers because they associate it with the… Continue reading Language Resources