Does my medical practice need an after-hours answering service?

Kate Onissiphorou • 23 Jul 2024 • 3 min read

It’s no secret that medical practices receive a high volume of calls daily, ranging from appointment requests to urgent health concerns. While many inquiries can be addressed during regular practice hours, patients tied up with work or other commitments might struggle to reach you. This is where an after-hours answering service can be a game-changer for your medical practice.

What is an after-hours answering service for medical offices?

A 24/7 medical answering service is a specialized service that answers inbound calls from patients at any time, day or night. Unlike a standard answering service or a receptionist who works during regular office hours, an after-hours medical answering service is always available.

This service can handle a variety of tasks, such as answering basic questions, scheduling or rescheduling appointments, and providing urgent assistance. That way, your patients are guaranteed the same level of attention and care, whether they phone at 3pm or 3am.

The benefits of having a 24/7 medical answering service

Are you wondering if there are significant benefits to hiring a 24/7 medical answering service? There are plenty! Here are the key advantages this service can bring to your practice.

1. Cost-effective

Hiring 24/7 in-house staff can be expensive, requiring salary, benefits, and workspace expenses. An after-hours service offers a more cost-effective alternative, you only pay for the services you use, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently.

2. Scalable

As your medical practice grows, so does the volume of patient calls. A 24/7 medical answering service is highly scalable, meaning that they can easily handle fluctuating call volumes. Whether you’re a small clinic or a larger medical facility, this service can scale their support up or down as needed to adapt to business growth or seasonal changes.

3. Improved patient retention

Providing around-the-clock access to support significantly improves patient satisfaction and retention. When patients know they can reach out for assistance at any time, they feel more valued and cared for. This constant availability demonstrates your commitment to their well-being, building trust and strengthening their bond with your practice.

4. Bilingual services

A bilingual medical answering service can offer support to cater to a diverse patient base. Being able to communicate in a patients’ preferred languages will instantly demonstrate to them that their needs are being met from the outset of their first interaction. This additional level of care could enhance patient loyalty and potentially boost the volume of business you receive from referrals.

5. Peace of mind

Finally, with a 24/7 live answering service, you can have peace of mind knowing that all phone calls, are handled professionally in your absence. Whether it’s day or night, you can relax knowing that your patients are receiving the attention they need without interruption. This assurance allows you to focus on other aspects of your practice or simply take necessary breaks, knowing that your business calls are managed with care and efficiency.

What to consider when hiring a 24/7 medical answering service

Choosing the right 24/7 medical answering service is critical for ensuring that your practice runs smoothly, and your patients receive the best service. Here are the key factors to consider when making your decision.

HIPAA compliant

A HIPAA-compliant answering service is the first thing you should look for when searching for a provider. HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) sets the standard for protecting sensitive patient data. Verifying the provider’s compliance with HIPAA regulations helps protect your practice from potential legal issues and maintains the trust and confidentiality of your patients.

Patient care specialists

When choosing an after-hours answering service, it is essential to select a provider experienced in handling medical calls. Experienced providers should have an understanding of medical terminology, patient needs, and the medical industry. They should also be well-versed in addressing the immediate needs of patients, answering important questions they may have, appointment scheduling, and other common inquiries.

Great average handling time

In the health sector, the average handling time (AHT) is a vital metric to consider for patient satisfaction. A great AHT indicates that your patients won’t be left waiting on hold for extended periods when trying to reach you, and their issues will be resolved promptly.

A provider with a strong track record of excellent AHT demonstrates their ability to manage high call volumes efficiently, ensuring that your practice runs smoothly and provides prompt assistance to all patients.

According to HubSpot, the standard average handling time within the healthcare sector is four minutes or less; so, consider looking for a partner that meets or exceeds this metric.

Answer medical practice calls 24/7 with VoiceNation

At VoiceNation, we understand the importance of providing exceptional care to your patients around the clock. Our 24/7 medical answering service is HIPAA compliant and staffed with experienced specialists who ensure efficient call handling no matter the time of day. Whether you need assistance with appointment scheduling, urgent inquiries, or bilingual support, VoiceNation is here to support your practice’s needs.

Visit VoiceNation’s plans & pricing page to learn more about our tailored solutions for medical practices. Ensure your patients receive the care they deserve, anytime they call.