What is outbound lead generation?

Kate Onissiphorou • 06 Dec 2024 • 4 min read

We all see trends come and go, and things move from in fashion to out-of-date pretty quickly. With so many marketing channels available these days, some might call outbound marketing outdated, but in reality it can still play a vital part in lead generation for your business. In this blog we’ll take a look at what outbound lead generation is, how it differs from outbound calling, why it’s important and the do’s and don’ts when it comes to using it.

What is outbound lead generation?

So, what is outbound lead generation? The premise is to engage with potential customers who might not already be aware of your business and what it offers, using outbound calling and other communications to contact people en masse to generate leads and add them into your sales pipeline. There are various ways to contact your data pots including outbound calling, emails, social media, TV and radio ads, direct mail and more. Outbound lead generation processes can benefit both large and small businesses so there’s no one size fits all solution when it comes to outbound lead generation. Consider your business needs and get ready to try a few things out and see how they go.

How does outbound lead generation differ from outbound calling?

Outbound lead generation encompasses many different marketing methods, while outbound calling is exactly that, making outbound calls! Outbound calling, sometimes referred to as cold calling, involves calling a set data list, or people that have enquired with your business who need a follow-up conversation.

Many businesses don’t like the premise of outbound calling, but with the right strategy, and by identifying the right prospects and getting the right message to them at the perfect time, you can start to see real results. It can be time-consuming, but done right it can be a useful outbound lead generation tool. You might be thinking, this all sounds great, but I don’t have the resource to put an outbound lead generation strategy in place. Not to worry, you can outsource!

VoiceNation’s services can help you and your team with an outbound lead generation plan.

Why is outbound sales lead generation important?

Why should your business care about outbound lead generation? With more and more competitors out there for all businesses, you can’t simply rely on prospects calling you, you need to be more proactive. Here are a few benefits of outbound sales lead generation:

  • Shortened sales cycle – By targeting outbound leads that are interested and on the precipice of a purchase, you’re more likely to make that lead into a paying customer.
  • Building brand awareness – By using multiple outbound lead generation methods, you can contact a wide variety of people, making them aware of your brand and what your business offers.
  • Testing and reaching new markets – Using methods such as cold calling, mass email and direct mail allows you to reach new markets and test if they contain any potential future customers.

How to increase outbound leads for your business

There are multiple ways you can increase outbound leads for your business. Here are a few strategies you can try:

1. Cold/outbound calling

This involves calling a list of prospects to promote or sell your products or services. When it comes to cold calling, these are usually people who don’t know you and haven’t asked for a call. For outbound calling, this can be lists of people who have already shown an interest in your business and you are following up on that lead.

2. Campaign marketing

This involves using paid advertisements in print, on the TV or radio, online, social media or through email to create awareness of your company. By using paid advertising you can reach a wider audience quicker, though remember this might also include people who are not your target audience!

3. Cold emailing

A very cost effective method of outbound lead generation, and it can be very successful if you’re using an accurate mailing list.

4. Social selling

This involves using social media to promote your brand and make people aware of your products or services. LinkedIn is often the best platform to use as it is more business focused, but using TikTok and other social outlets can help you grow your brand identity.

What to avoid when performing outbound lead generation

Just as with any marketing strategy there are do and don’ts. Let’s take a look at what you should avoid when performing outbound lead generation:

  • Contacting anyone and everyone – To be as effective as possible, you need to understand your perfect customer. By finding people who are already actively searching for your product or service, you’re more likely to turn that lead into a paying customer.
  • Using the wrong tool – There are so many tools out there to help with your outbound lead generation. By using the best tool for your plan and your business, you give your outbound lead generation strategy the best chance of success.
  • Your team is not working together – You need both your marketing and sales team to be on the same page. Using the same tool for both teams so the tracking of each lead is in one place is a good start.

Why choose VoiceNation?

Now you know what outbound lead generation is and multiple outbound lead generation strategies you can use to help your business turn those all important leads into paying customers, you’re ready to get started!

Don’t have time or the staff to implement your outbound lead generation processes?

VoiceNation can shorten your conversation window by calling and qualifying leads meaning your team can close them with confidence, supplied with all the information they need. To find out more about how VoiceNation can help your business call 866.566.7070 or visit our pricing page.