Dialing any number from the Ninja Number App is simple. You can call a new number, a lead's number (Open or Closed), and any contact.
Calling a Number
To call a number from the Ninja Number app:
- Open the app.
- Tap the orange + button at the bottom of the screen and tap the phone button.
- On the New Call screen, enter the number you want to call as you would normally and tap the green call button.
Calling a Lead
To call a Lead:
- In the main Ninja Number App screen, tap the lead you wish to call. The information panel for that lead displays.
- Tap the Call button to call the lead.
Calling a Contact
To call a Contact:
- In the Ninja Number App, tap the three-line menu at the top right.
- From the menu, tap Contacts.
- On the Contacts screen, tap the contact you wish to call.
- On the information screen for that contact, tap the green phone icon at the bottom to call the contact.