Morse Code Resources

Peyton Duplechien • 07 Feb 2010 • 2 min read

Morse Code was developed over 160 years ago by two men, Samuel F. B. Morse and Alfred Vail. Morse code transmits information telegraphically by using a sequence of long and short characters that represent letters, numbers and punctuation. It was used for telegraphs, radio communication and international communication. The code was mostly transported over telegraph lines, radio waves, and underwater cables.

Learn Morse Code

  • A Simple Telegraph Key: A step-by-step guide on building your own telegraph key for only a few cents!
  • Adjusting Keys: Instructions with simple examples designed to help adjust straight keys, paddles and bugs.
  • Modern Morse: An article that explains why and where Morse code is still used.
  • American Morse Equipment: Code products for all amateur radio operators.
  • Spark Keys: An article about early wireless telegraphs sending sparks from the keys when code was sent.
  • Morse Codes for Computer Access: A page about using Morse code for the computer to help people with physical disabilities.

Morse Code Software

Although many of the uses of Morse code have since been replaced by modern technology, International Morse code is still used today by amateur radio operators. Since 2003 Morse code proficiency has been mandated by the International Telecommunication Union as part of the amateur radio licensing process. Military ships also still use signal lams to communicate messages while maintaining radio silence. It is used today as a means of assistive technology for people with a variety of disabilities. International speed contests in code copying are also still held. A Morse copying record that was made in 1939 by Ted McElroy still stands at 75.2 WPM. While the rest of the world is busy texting and using modern live answering services Morse code is being transmitted constantly over all radio bands.